Do mechanics want to go home and work on their cars? Do IT techs want to go home and fix computers? Do hairstylists want to go home and cut hair? I can't really speak for them so I'm going to say probably not. The last thing I want to do after I walk in the door is to pick up a pan. Very rarely do I cook for myself. The closest thing I'll cook for myself without having second thoughts is Cup Noodle. I mean I do it all day for 9-10 hours and when you're working with food for so long it's no longer something you yearn to consume but something that you work with. Along with eating it (I don't really eat my own food) you have to either wash it, cut it, cook it, or make sure it tastes good or even all 4. And if you're not in semi-shape it can put a good amount of stress on the body with the lifting, the carrying, the cutting, and the cleaning. But I believe it gives a greater amount of mental stress. Do I have all the ingredients? Do I have enough time to cook? When should I start cooking? I hope it tastes good. Do I have enough food? Does it look right? Questions and thoughts that run through a cook's head everyday. Over the years it can put a strain on one's mind. That's why cooking is amongst the highest suicidal ranked jobs. Honestly though, I don't mind cooking at home. The only thing I do mind is doing dishes. I hate doing dishes. ATTENTION anybody that would like for me to cook for them. No matter the occasion. If I cook I do not do dishes.
Don't get me wrong I do cook at home sometimes. I mean some of my previous blogs are food I did cook at home. So it's not like I NEVER cook at home. But why waste the time and energy when you can just go to McDonalds or Burger King or my favorite...TACO BELL!! I LOVE TACO BELL. Yes, I love fast food. It's called fast food for a reason. I cook food all day and I get to people as fast as I can and they usually don't wait that long. So why would I want to wait for a "good meal" at a nice restaurant when I can get a "good meal" at taco bell. I love tacos by the way. LOVE LOVE LOVE tacos. Please don't misunderstand I do go to "fancy" restaurants, not often, but I do to experience new foods and to remind myself why I paid 24k to go to culinary school. But it gets expensive after awhile. I definitely NEVER go to chain restaurants. Applebees, Friday's, PF Changs...they all have something in common. MICROWAVE! When I first moved to Maryland in 2006 I got a job at Friday's as a server. I was supposed to train for 12 days but they decided I was good enough to be on my own after 3 days. During the 3 weeks that I was occupied at Friday's, I made probably a total of $350. On saturday nights (the busiest night of the week) I would make about $50-$60 when other servers were walking about with $300. But this blog isn't about me sucking as a server. The vegetables served were frozen and microwaved, the sauces came from a bag and microwaved, and some of the meats were microwaved as well. Items on the menu were duplicated in other sections to make the menu look bigger and I couldn't take it anymore. Yes I know, fast food joints are considered "chain restaurants" as well but they don't "cook to order" which is fine with me. I'd rather eat a burger that has borderline fake meat in it then real chicken that's been cooked at 3pm and then reheated in a microwaved and served at 9:30pm.
So let's consolidate all this information.
- Having a chef as a significant other doesn't mean you can stop watching the food network.
- I rarely cook for myself.
- I hate doing dishes.
- I love Taco Bell.
- Chain Restaurants suck.
- I sucked as a server.